Lighting / Artificial Light in Photography

Digital Photography Technology in the photography community is currently growing, photography aids a variety of forms and functions . In digital technologies as it would need a dynamic practically everything but nice and ga expensive ( relative argument ) . One is the photography equipment , in this case the lamp to produce light / artificial lighting (artificial lighting ) . When first learning photography , is often confused with a variety of studio lighting equipment . Here I will share a bit of talk about the various lights to produce artificial light . For both indoor and outdoor photography photography .Today, to produce artificial light is not necessarily and exclusively use studio lights at a great price ( revision : high price ) , strobist technique as a light playing technique using artificial light from the flash ( flash ) is an economical alternative and has been proven this technique a lot of rage . Only armed with 2 flash or more are able to create an attractive artificial light , compose and settings depending on light intensity ( light exposure settings ) .Even now resembles tool accessories such big studio lights , Barndoor , honeycomb , standard reflector , snoot , softbox , and many others have made ​​by Chinese companies with quality that can be customized according and Budget but still quality , but for Flash ( flash ) a lot of variants and the price is also competitive but for the Selection of Flash itself , you should not just choose the " CHEAP aND SIGNIFICANT can CLAPP light " because we also have to consider the intensity of usage , usage and how strong the flash light to illuminate what we Want object . so a minimum - the lack of Budget who want to spend to buy Flash We do not Forget to Consider the intensity of usage , usage and how strong the flash light that we want. I do not want to suggest that CHEAP ( it is relatively low ) , because we all do not want to be lied . Where the price of goods that certainly speaks well Worth the function ( specifically for BUYING & election FLASH , FLASH IS RECALLING THE MOST MAJOR FACTOR in manipulating real LIGHT )

Here below , I will give a little explanation of Accessories - Accessories Artificial Lighting / Light Made in :1 . Modelling Lamp ( Standard Stobo Lighting )Lamp to produce light that helps us to determine , look toward the fall of the shadow of the object . Usually there and called the studio lights . Lamps lit before use .
2 . standard ReflectorFunction directs light to the object . The resulting light is very strong with limited emission angle .

3 . Trigger / Trigger FlashIt seemed unfair that ga ga me jelasin gentlemen . . , Trigger / trigger is a tool that is used to turn on the flash of Flow Shutter we push , pull Transmitter received electrical signal , sent from the transmitter to the receiver and the light is Life ( Hopefully Bener language ) . Trigger The bottom line is the tool used to turn the flash light from a distance by using wave Infrared / Radio . Trigger is divided into two type ie Pocket Wizard Trigger and Trigger Standard .

3 . Reflector umbrella ( Umbrella Reflector )Divided into 3 types: Metal / Silver , Gold Metal and Transparent , the following elaboration :Metal / Gold Metal Umbrella Reflector : Soften the light coming into the object in order to more evenly but if the placement does not fit can make the light come to object too strongly and produce dense shade . Properties of the light produced is still high contrast , strong beam stop is reduced 1-2 ( Gold metal : karaktrer same color characteristics only Yellow / gold ) .Transparent Umbrella reflector : It has the same functionality with Silver / Gold Silver Umbrella reflector , only the light produced is soft , evenly and gently . ( Usually used on Outdoor shooting night, because it can give the effect of a flat but soft light so the contrast remains prominent Lightnya available ) . Umbrella Reflector example :
4 . Softbox ( soft box )Soften the properties of light , evenly , and eliminates shadows and rays of light tend Area .
standard Softbox5 . Honeycomb / Hornet holeIrradiation is more focused , centered , symmetrical , and the irradiation angle narrowed . Usually used for irradiation in certain parts , the intensity of light produced middling contrast depending on the size of honeycomb .
honey comb6 . snootAlmost the same as the honeycomb , but the nature of the light produced is more narrow and small . Typically used for hairlight . Strong beam stop down 5-6 . Suited to bring the character object .
Snoot that comes with Gel / Colour Filters7 . BarndoorDirect the illumination angle to be more focused on the desired object and does not interfere with other parts that do not want highlighted / shown . Other functions to eliminate effects of flare / fog lights when confronted with a camera .
BarndoorMost of the equipment used for studio lights . But some are made ​​specifically for strobist mania , smaller size and is used to flash / flash with the same function like a professional studio lights .So and so . . . , The essence of Artificial Lighting / artificial light is " ACCESSORIES " and prices for light and the flash is off ( when no flash is ga ga for it and put up pictures of aksesoriesnya ) hehehehehe . . .Similarly, I share this information , may be useful and if there is something wrong or less Pas monggo / please Commented , All Komantar will surely be appreciated together , considering I also still proceed in the Berphotography .

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